Felix Silas

Felix Silas is a tech ardent, an Android fanatic, a computer user and very vast with mobile tips and tweak. He's dedicated to churning out tips on technology and Innovations.

Full List of Online Shopping Sites that Don’t Require CVV

Online shopping has revolutionized the way we purchase goods and services. One key element of security in online transactions is the Card Verification Value (CVV). However, certain online stores...

A Developer’s Guide to Web3 Stack

Web3's growth brings about a new era for the internet, with greater decentralization, user control, and transparency. In fact, by 2030, the global Web3 market size is estimated to...

How to Get Your Car Ready for A Road Trip?

Embarking on a road trip is an exciting adventure, but the journey can quickly turn sour if your vehicle isn't up to the task. The key to a successful,...

How to Implement DevSecOps Smoothly and Efficiently in 2023

Development and security operations, often known as DevSecOps, are focused on providing a secure software development experience. It emphasizes security from the beginning of the software and application development...

How To Ensure Online Security by Managing SSL Certificates

We all have certificates. Certificates attest to a specific fact as, well, fact. If you have a first aid/CPR certificate, you’ve been taught and verified by a trainer that...

Can I Get Scammed On Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms?

Cryptocurrency is a relatively new field in the financial industry. It has been around for about 12 years now, and since not many understand how it works, there are...