A Developer’s Guide to Web3 Stack

Web3's growth brings about a new era for the internet, with greater decentralization, user control, and transparency. In fact, by 2030, the global Web3 market size is estimated to reach $5.5 billion. For developers, this shift represents both an...

5 Tips on Building Custom Healthcare App with AI Features

It is the age of training AI models to analyze medical data for fast, safe, affordable healthcare delivery. There is already a growing number of ready-made AI tools that can be leveraged in healthcare software development. A prime example...

5 Basic Steps in Creating a Balanced In-Game Economy

In the realm of game development, designing a balanced in-game economy is a crucial task that goes beyond merely setting prices for virtual goods or determining the rate of currency acquisition. It involves crafting an intricate system that resonates...

How dbForge Query Builder simplifies SQL for Web Developers

SQL is an indispensable tool in the toolkit of any web developer who deals with data-driven applications. While its power and flexibility are undeniable, SQL also comes with its own set of challenges. Writing complex queries can be time-consuming...

11 Benefits of Hiring Dedicated Developers

In today's dynamic and fiercely competitive corporate realm, the role of seasoned developers has emerged as a game-changer. Acquiring a dedicated team is increasingly vital for successfully navigating the ever-changing technological environment and gaining a competitive edge. These pros possess...

10 Must-Have Tools for Software Development in 2023

Apparently, nothing is static, everything changes with time; similarly, tools and methods used in software development change with the advent of newer technologies. Software development in 2023 is much easier than it was many years ago, thanks to the...

7 Automation Testing Tools You Should Know About

To successfully create software, test automation is crucial. It speeds up the testing process, cuts down on costs, and increases product quality assurance for software. Automation testing tools offer several benefits to software development teams and organizations, including: Automation Testing...

How to Create a Money Lending App: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's fast-paced world, people need access to quick loans. The rise of mobile technology has paved the way for money-lending apps, which have revolutionized the lending industry. These solutions provide a convenient and secure way to borrow money,...

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