3 Tools to Take Control of Your Personal Data

According to a recent survey conducted by global consultancy PwC, 92% of internet users would like to have control of their personal data online – but just 10% believe they already do. With cybercrime an ever-present threat when surfing...

Leisure Pleasure: Perks of Playing Spades Card Game For Fun

For many, Spades is just one of those card games they do for fun. Sure, it can build up into a high-intensity, trash-talking moment, but it’s still a family game at its core. But why have card games like...

How to Boost Fan Engagement with a Sports App

It's interesting to watch how technologies are transforming the world around us. And the sports space is not an exception. While there are a lot of solutions that facilitate and increase the efficiency of a training process for coaches...

Wearing Wellness: How Tech Wearables Can Improve Your Health

The future is now. According to recent Business Wire Research, the global market for connected wearable devices in fitness, wellness, and healthcare is predicted to reach $10.5 billion by 2028. Wearable 'smart' gadgets, so beloved of SF, have finally appeared to...

Reasons to Consider SEO NZ for Your New Business

Search engine optimization (SEO), enhances web ranking and visibility on search engines through a series of strategies such as the use of relevant keywords, media, regular updates, and a smooth website among others. If you have a new business in...

Ways to Use Technology When Selling a Home

In the past, finding a potential buyer for your home was quite challenging, especially in a crowded home-selling market. Home sellers had to rely on agents to find a suitable buyer for their properties, while home buyers had to...

The Best Practices In Writing and Presenting SWOT Analysis

A practical business foundation is always built on a rock-solid foundation of introspection and analysis. Today's markets are dynamic and rapidly changing and abide by the only rule of "Survival of The Fittest." Hence only the companies that can...

The Best Tourism and Real Estate Destinations in Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul is a luxury metropolis that entices foreigners with its unique color and amazing beauty. This is a city of amazing possibilities, including in terms of investment. The metropolis is visited annually by millions of tourists, students, workers of...

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