8 Highly Optimized Ways To Get More Traffic to your website

If you are a website owner or in the process of starting one, you may want to read on to get some unique tips on how to drive traffic.

It can be extremely frustrating when your website does not receive enough visitors. In order to effectively drive traffic to your website we have determined 8 things you can do today to get more traffic.

Some methods require you pay a monthly fee and others a simple registration process, either way you need to put in the effort. Remember this fellow peers: the first step to generating healthy growing traffic is taking the initiative.

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Create Effective Social Media Strategies

Post effective and engaging content that is relevant to your website
Utilize different social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg and create links between them

Make Frequent and Quality Blog Posts

This step is effective when paired with your keyword
Post content on a regular basis so Google and other major search engines pick up on your sites activity
Open an account on blogosphere to retweet your content and attract guests to comment on your blog

Maintain a Clean Website Theme and Fast Loading Times

For this, you can look at highly ranked blogs on Alexa to get a better idea on themes and designs
Invest in page optimization tools such as Pingdom, which measures the time and performance of your website, and offer solutions

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Offer Free Products

This may sound confusing, offering free products. Yes, when you advertise these on twitter and other social media sites it will drive a lot of traffic
Does not have to be expensive can be an eBook you wrote or a $10 iTunes gift card
Depending on your website you could opt to offer free training on relevant areas

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Mobile Apps

This option may not be open to non-app developers, but consider the major growth potential in this area and how you can tap into it.
If you operate a large enough website, consider investing in an iPhone developer to make an app about your site.

Paid Methods for Traffic generation

Use Google AdSense for Pay Per Click (PPC) to rank your website
Consider alternative CPA websites like maxbouny and peerfly to pay only when people click on your website’s certain function
This option is trickier and requires trial & error to get it right

Utilize a Mailing System

If your website is meant for selling products this is especially important
Sign up and pay for services like AWeber that allow you to create sign up lists with tailored messages for members
This is a great way to build a relationship with users to keep them coming back and drive your page rank up

Search Engine Optimization

Build backlinks to your website for better page ranking and chance of users stumbling across your link, aim for other websites in your niche.
Optimize title tags with unique headings on each page of your site with a tailored keyword
Use images, for some reason Google really likes this, so use them!

If you combine these methods diligently, in due time you will find that your average daily visitors is trending up.

Likewise, finding a program, which already incorporates most or all of these methods, is the most efficient way to market anything on the internet.A great example of one such program is Pure Leverage.

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After this, you can incorporate products or sell advertisement space to scale your website. We hope the information offered here will be of use to you and wish you best of luck.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Website traffic is an most important factor which plays a best role in online business success. By increase in number of visitors, the promotional stuff may spread easily which become the cause of business promotion. The shared stuff regarding increase in website traffic is inspired.

  2. Splendid information.These are the some of the ultimate techniques one can use to drag massive traffic on their own Website portal.No doubt your article the useful tactics in a very scientific manner.I likes the two points very much about it.
    Mobile apps and utilize the mailing system.

    I think by using all these patterns a website can be very popular with lot of hits,Cheers!

  3. this was a good read, but i would love to add,

    1)do more of guest posting in similar blogs on your niche
    2) Do mailing list swap, if you have a list, you can contact other folks in your niche for that

    and lastly use social media, you can exploit it buy providing something
    of value

    Paid traffic will work great but as you know it will require some
    initial startup cost and seo will take a longer time to see result
    unless you post regularly.

    mean while the forum(your forum) since to be gone, you might want to check it,
    i will come back when i have 5mins

    • Thanks for taking your precious time to add this timely tips , hope to see more of your tips after the 5mins


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