Home Internet Marketing How To Find DoFollow CommentLuv Blogs in Your Niche

How To Find DoFollow CommentLuv Blogs in Your Niche

How to find Dofollow Commentluv blogs

Commenting on other blogs is one of the effective methods to get backlinks and getting links from a do follow blog automatically increases your site visibility in search engines and also your page rank. You can comment on hundreds of blogs on the internet, but only a few of them are really dofollow.

How do you find do follow blogs or sites that are related to your niche? Read on for this:

To check whether links from a blog is dofollow or not there are two tools you can add to your browser to do so.

NoDoFollow Add-on For Firefox (Mozilla)

After adding this to your browser, you can see if a link from a website or blog is Do Follow or No follow. NoDoFollow Add-ons for firefox will highlight links in a document and present them using color codes as No Follow or Do Follow

The Blue color indicates dofollow while the red indicates NoFollow. You can turn it on or off, all you should do is right click and check “NoDoFollow”

Click Here To Download NoDo Follow Add-on for Firefox


SEO for Chrome provides SEO Statistics and tools that make SEO task extremely easy. It is also one of the most popular SEO plugins for Google Chrome on the internet

How SEO for Chrome Plugin Works

After installation of this plugin, you can quickly get access to full details of any website or blog that you open in your Google Chrome Browser.

On the top right corner of your chrome browser, there is an SEO Button. Click on that button to get access to your SEO for Chrome Plugin. Some information you would get about the site that is opened includes Google page rank, Alexa, backlinks, indexed pages in Google, indexed pages in bing, search status, social sharing, cached pages, domain details, etc. You know all these just from a click. Check the box at the lower part of the plugin details to see if the links are Do/No follow

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How To Use Google To Find DoFollow blogs Related To Your Niche

You can find any type of site using this method either .edu, .gov, site that uses commentLuv Premium, sites with top commentators plugin, etc. In my next post, I would tell you why you need to find other things apart from Dofollow or Nofollow Sites. So here’s how you should go about it

How To find Do follow Blogs

Search for the following using Google
Your Keywords ” Notify me of follow up comments? “Submit the word you see below” or simply copy and paste it from here. Please make sure you leave the quotes, they are important.

Blogging tips  ” Notify me of follow up comments? “Submit the word you see below”

How To Find KeywordLuv Blogs

Your keyword ” Enter Your name@Your Keywords”

How To Find CommentLuv Premium blogs

Your Keyword “This blog uses Premium commentLuv” ” The version of commentLuv on this site is no longer supported”

How To find .gov and .edu blogs related to your Niche

Your keyword site:gov inurl:blog “post a comment” “you must be logged in”

change the site:gov to site:edu to find .edu sites.

Remember, when searching make sure the quotation marks(” “) are not removed.

I sometimes ignore the  “no follow” and “do follow” thing while commenting on other blogs because a Nofollow link from a good domain will get you good traffic and also improve your page rank.

What are commentluv blogs?

Commentluv blogs are personal, business or professional blogs that have the commentluv plugin installed and active on their website.

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Commentluv plugin on its own is a tool that encourages readers to leave a comment on your blog by offering them two links to their website and another link to their Twitter profile.  While the first link goes to their blog’s homepage, the second one is for any of their ten latest blog posts.

The plugin is popular among influencers, freelancers, and digital marketers.

How to find commentluv sites

This is the easiest part as it’s something you can do in a few seconds: Simply do a search engine query with this keyword; “This blog uses commentLuv.” Wait for the result to show and then pick the blogs that are related to your niche for commenting.

I want to know what you think. Use the comment box below to share your views and opinions


  1. While searching for DoFollow CommentLuv blogs in your niche can be beneficial for building backlinks and engaging with relevant communities, it’s essential to approach it strategically. Focus on finding blogs that align with your niche and have an active, authentic audience. When commenting, contribute valuable insights and participate in meaningful discussions to establish credibility and foster genuine connections. Building relationships with fellow bloggers and readers can lead to long-term benefits beyond just acquiring backlinks.

  2. Finding DoFollow CommentLuv blogs in your niche can significantly enhance your link-building efforts and boost your SEO strategy. Your post sheds light on a crucial aspect of digital marketing, especially for those aiming to improve their website’s visibility within a specific niche. By leveraging CommentLuv blogs, not only can you contribute valuable insights to relevant discussions, but you can also earn high-quality backlinks to your own content, driving organic traffic and increasing your site’s authority.

    Sharing tips on effective search strategies or tools for identifying DoFollow CommentLuv blogs specific to one’s niche could enrich the conversation. Additionally, highlighting the importance of genuine engagement and adding value to discussions on these platforms can underscore the significance of ethical link-building practices. Thank you for initiating this discussion—it’s a topic that can greatly benefit digital marketers seeking to enhance their online presence within their niche.

  3. Appreciate the advice on uncovering do-follow links through Google. It’s indeed a valuable strategy for bolstering backlinks. Well-done post!

  4. I have discovered excellent methods for locating CommentLuv blogs within your niche. Additionally, utilize the Drop My Link website to directly pinpoint blogs that utilize CommentLuv. Thank you for sharing these valuable insights!

  5. This is a valuable guide on using Google to discover DoFollow blogs related to your niche. It’s crucial to focus on various types of blogs, such as .edu, .gov, CommentLuv Premium, and more, to diversify your backlink profile and enhance your website’s authority.

    The provided search queries are especially helpful in pinpointing relevant blogs. Remember to keep the quotation marks intact for accurate results. It’s also insightful to note that while the “no follow” and “do follow” distinction matters, quality traffic and domain authority can still be obtained from Nofollow links.

    Understanding what CommentLuv blogs are and their significance in the blogging landscape adds depth to this informative post. Exploring different types of blogs can be a strategic move for href=’https://www.dmnoor.com/’> bloggers and website owners looking to broaden their outreach and improve their page rank.

    Thank you for sharing these valuable insights, and I look forward to your next post on why finding other aspects apart from Dofollow or Nofollow Sites is essential for SEO success.

  6. You may have heard of do-follow backlinks if you want to improve your website’s search engine rankings. Unlike no-follow links, do-follow backlinks can pass link equity and boost your website’s visibility in search engine results pages. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that quality is vital when it comes to building do-follow backlinks. Rather than focusing on quantity, earning backlinks from high-authority websites relevant to your niche is best. By doing so, you can ensure that your website is viewed as a trustworthy source of information by search engines and users alike. Of course, it’s always important to use ethical and white-hat link-building practices when earning do-follow backlinks. With these tips in mind, you can use do-follow backlinks to your advantage and improve your website’s search engine rankings.

  7. Create High-Quality Content: Develop valuable and informative content that other websites would want to link to. High-quality content naturally attracts backlinks from other webmasters and bloggers.

    Guest Posting: Write articles or blog posts as a guest on other websites within your niche. Most guest posts allow you to include a brief author bio with a link back to your site.

    Broken Link Building: Find broken links on other websites and offer your content as a replacement. This provides value to the site owner by fixing their broken links and gives you an opportunity to gain a backlink.

    Reach Out to Relevant Websites: Identify websites or blogs that are related to your industry and approach them with a personalized email, suggesting a collaboration or content that could interest their audience. If your content aligns with their readers’ interests, they might link to it.

    Participate in Interviews or Roundups: Look for opportunities to be featured in interviews, expert roundups, or Q&A sessions on other websites. Often, these features include links back to your site.

    Social Media and Content Promotion: Share your content on social media platforms and relevant online communities. If your content gets noticed and shared, it can lead to natural backlinks.

    Create Infographics or Visual Content: Infographics and other visual content are often shared widely. If you create something valuable and visually appealing, people are more likely to link to it.

    Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers or industry experts who can mention or link to your content on their platforms.

    Submit to Directories: Submit your website to relevant web directories or industry-specific directories. However, be cautious and avoid low-quality or spammy directories, as they could harm your SEO.

    Remember that the key to obtaining backlinks is to focus on producing high-quality, relevant content that adds value to users. Organic backlinks gained through genuine efforts tend to be more beneficial for your website’s long-term SEO than artificial or manipulative practices.

    Lastly, be patient. Building a strong backlink profile takes time and consistent effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results, as the benefits will likely compound over time.

  8. Do-follow backlinks are an essential component of any successful SEO strategy. Unlike no-follow links, do-follow backlinks pass link equity and help to improve a website’s search engine rankings. However, it’s important to note that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to building do-follow backlinks. Focus on earning backlinks from high-authority websites that are relevant to your niche, as these will have a much greater impact on your website’s visibility in search engine results pages

  9. This has become very difficult to find the right niche. Well you wrote well. looking forward for more content.

  10. Onsite SEO, also known as on-page SEO, refers to the process of optimizing the content and structure of a website to improve its visibility and relevance to search engines. It involves making changes to elements on the website itself, such as the page titles, meta descriptions, headings, content, and images, in order to make them more easily understood by search engines.

    The goal of onsite SEO is to create a website that is both user-friendly and search engine-friendly, with content that is relevant and informative for users, and structured in a way that search engines can easily crawl and index. By optimizing the onsite elements of a website, you can improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant search queries, and increase the likelihood that users will find and engage with your content.

  11. To find DoFollow CommentLuv blogs in your niche, follow these steps:

    Use search engines: Use search engines like Google or Bing to search for “your niche + CommentLuv” or “your niche + DoFollow CommentLuv.” This should return a list of blogs in your niche that use the CommentLuv plugin and allow DoFollow links in comments.

    Use blog directories: Use blog directories like Alltop, Blogarama, or Technorati to find blogs in your niche. Look for blogs that use the CommentLuv plugin and allow DoFollow links in comments.

    Use blog commenting communities: Join blog commenting communities like CommentLuv or Seo Services or Disqus to discover other blogs and bloggers in your niche. These communities often provide lists of blogs that participate in blog commenting exchanges.

  12. Wow, nice tips here to find Dofollow blogs to comment on. Like you already mentioned, dofollow links pointing to your site is great means to improve your blog reputation to search engines and hence increase your search engine ranking! I will sure follow your tips. Thanks for sharing!

  13. These are some useful suggestions for improving a website’s ranking. Do-follow links are required to boost DA ratings, which can significantly aid in website ranking. Thank you for providing such useful information. I’ve saved the page for future reference. Thanks one more.

  14. Wow, these are some great methods for finding Dofollow blogs to comment on. Dofollow links going to your site, as you indicated, are a terrific way to build your blog’s reputation with search engines and hence raise your search engine rating! I will definitely take your advice. Thank you for contributing!

  15. Great article. Hope this insightful content helps my website SEO strategies on getting dofollow backlinks, comment backlinks, natural domain authority.Thanks to the author for sharing that type of great articles with us.

  16. Thanks for the sharing the awesome idea. Thanks for good news. Like you already mentioned, do follow links pointing to your site is great means to improve your blog reputation to search engines and hence increase your search engine ranking.

  17. Thank you for informing us about the free high-quality backlink builder and generator. Very helpful. This is just what I was looking for.

  18. Thanks for these valuable tips on how to find do-follow links using google. This is definitely a good strategy to build backlinks. It’s hands down a super nice information

  19. Wow, nice tips here to find Dofollow blogs to comment on. Like you already mentioned, dofollow links pointing to your site is great means to improve your blog reputation to search engines and hence increase your search engine ranking! I will sure follow your tips. Thanks for sharing!

    • At a high level, digital marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. Using these online media channels, digital marketing is the method by which companies endorse goods, services, and brands.

  20. These are some great tips for SEO and Digital Marketing. It helped me a lot in creating backlinks and increase DA for my website. Thank you for publishing this content.

  21. These are some nice tips to improve a website ranking. Do-follow links are needed to improve DA scores which could really help in ranking the website. Thanks for giving such good info. I have bookmarked the page for references. Thanks again.

  22. Hi,
    i must say these are some very informative tips for how to find do-follow links on google! i m impressed by this article and cant even imagine how much hard work it took to get all the information i really appreciate it. thanks for sharing.

  23. Thanks for sharing these awesome SEO and Digital marketing tips with us to creating high-quality backlinks. It will be super easy for me to rank my websites.

  24. Hi respected Kyle Stevens,
    This content is really is quality content for me to create backlinking of any website, when I built my own website I also faced difficulty to grow my new website. But your article is such a help for me to create a quality backlink for authorized my website in SERP.

  25. Thanks for these valuable tips on how to find do-follow links using google. This is definitely a good strategy to build backlinks. It’s hands down a super nice information.

    Blog comments are one of the easiest ways to make your blog interactive, to get backlinks on your website, and to drive traffic to your blog. Effective Blog commenting strategy will make your backlinks graph grow speedily.

  26. These are some nice tips to improve a website ranking. Do-follow links are needed to improve DA scores which could really help in ranking the website. Thanks for giving such good info. I have bookmarked the page for references. Thanks again.

  27. I agree with you. and I am using DropMyLink.com for searching relative blogs, it helps me a lot. Great Article. I Completely agree with the flow. Thanks for sharing.

  28. First of all thanks for sharing these amazing ways of getting backlinks fast. I have a question for you. I just have no-follow backlinks and I tried my best to rank my site on google’s first page but I will not get success. How I get do-follow backlinks? please help.

  29. Dofollow backlink is very important for every website of today. This is because these backlinks help websites increase domain authority. You are right about a good article in backlinks and keywords. I like it a lot and would advise you to keep it up.

  30. Hello,

    First of all, I want to say that you wrote a very informative post and this post has helped me a lot.
    I agree with you. and I am using DropMyLink.com for searching relative blogs, it helps me a lot.
    As you said, Most people use backlinkwatch.com to check backlinks but it will not show accurate results.

    Thanks for sharing,

  31. Thanks for these valuable tips on how to find do-follow links using google. This is definitely a good strategy to build backlinks. It’s hands down a super nice information

  32. NoDoFollow Add-on For Firefox (Mozilla)
    After adding this to your browser, you can see if a link from a website or blog is Do Follow or No follow. NoDoFollow Add-ons for firefox will highlight links in a document and present them using color codes as No Follow or Do-Follow

  33. Kyle Stevens your knowledge about do-follow the link is excellent actually google only reads your do-follow link and then you can get rank but more important than where you collect link that site will be google friendly and then your commenting link will give you results and your blog very good.

  34. Awesome article!!! You don’t know how important this article was for me!, now i have 0 doubt’s about backlinks so thanking you from bottom of my heart
    Thank You once again!!!

  35. This is the best article i have ever seen on backlinks, after reading this everyone can understand what is backlinks and how to make perfect use of Blog commenting to generate backlink.

  36. Hey there,

    I was searching for blog commenting resources and I found this post…

    Valuable stuff, I also want to suggest “dropmylink” where we can find potential link building opportunities.

    Thanks. ????

  37. Thanks for these valuable tips on how to find do-follow links using google. This is defintely a good strategy to build backlinks. Very good and insightful post.

  38. I think writing a good content requires study and time. I don’t think I can manage time for back linking or SEO jobs. So if I don’t add back-links manually it is less likely that some good sites will find me and provide do follow links on their own. Someday they may but my competitors who are manually doing SEO giving less time on writing will always remain on top.

  39. Thanks for sharing this awesome post. Commentluv is one of the best plugins to build high-quality backlinks. As I am working on blogger platform I have enabled it through intense debate.

  40. Thank you, sir, for your write up. I have a question if you would allow. I am a blogger and I think writing a good content requires study and time. I don’t think I can manage time for back linking or SEO jobs. So if I don’t add back-links manually it is less likely that some good sites will find me and provide do follow links on their own. Someday they may but my competitors who are manually doing SEO giving less time on writing will always remain on top. How do you clarify the issue? I may be wrong since I am new to this area and have a new blogging website solutionguide.school.blog/

  41. Do-follow backlinks are the best way to improve domain ranking, However, ensure that 20% should be no follow backlinks while the rest are dofollow backlinks plus naked URLs.
    In all, this useful content has helped my website SEO tactics and also for getting Dofollow backlinks, comment backlinks, and natural domain authority.

  42. I am confused a little bit. Should I use these blog commenting strategies for getting backlinks or not? If it does not work for long run, what is the purpose to add such backlinks? I don’t want my site to rank only for a few days. I am new in this blogging world, and as a beginner should i do this? Can someone explain this to me, please!!!!

  43. Do-follow backlinks are the best way to improve ranking, However, ensure that 20% should be no follow backlinks while the rest are dofollow plus naked URLs.
    In all, this useful content has helped my website SEO tactics and also for getting Dofollow backlinks, comment backlinks, and natural domain authority.

  44. This is an extremely insightful content. It helped my website SEO strategies on getting dofollow backlinks, comment backlinks, natural domain authority.Thanks a lot to the author for sharing this awesomeness with us.

  45. Really, I’m convinced that this is going to be helpful to me in creating high-quality backlink and it has been easy for me to rank my websites. Nice Post overall! Thanks for sharing this awesome SEO and Digital marketing tips with us. Have a nice day. we love to here you. I personally love the way you explain all your SEO topics.

  46. hey,
    Really it will helpful me in creating high-quality backlink and it has been easy for me to rank my websites Nice Post! Thanks for sharing this awesome SEO and Digital marketing tips with us. Have a nice day. we love to here you. i love way you explain topic.

    thank you so much

  47. This is the best tech ideas for SEO and marketing. So your tips are constructive and highly beneficial. They’ll help me make good backlinks for all my websites.

  48. Great article. Hope this insightful content help my website SEO strategies on getting dofollow backlinks, comment backlinks, natural domain authority.Thanks to the author for sharing this with us.

  49. Hello,
    Thanks for sharing these modern SEO strategies with us. It was very helpful for me to build a few dofollow links for my website and blogs.

  50. This is the best tech ideas for SEO and marketing. So your tips are constructive and highly beneficial. They’ll help me make good backlinks for all my websites.

  51. Hello,
    Thanks for sharing this SEO strategies with us. It was very helpful for me to build a few do follow links for my website.

  52. Hello Sir
    Really it will help me in creating high-quality backlink and it has been easy for me to rank my websites Nice Post! Thanks for sharing this awesome SEO tips with us. Have a nice day.

  53. Thanks for sharing this amazing SEO post! This is a great read for small businesses and
    startups who are working in marketing or SEO. I absolutely love how you have
    explained each step of SEO.

  54. Great article! it’s very helpful to find dofollow links, it really helps to find quality links at SEO point of view thank you for the awesome work.

    Best Regards

  55. Ver nice article.However, to find the do-follow blog comments you can also use a tool Namely as Dropmylink it is most useful from the SEO point of view.You can simply put your desired or niche keyword and you will find all the do follow websites where you can put your comments.

  56. This is really a great SEO tip. Thanks for your help and tutorials.
    These are highly relevant tips and this article is very helpful. At the same time, even though “do follow” links do certainly help in the ranking process, we should remember to spread the link profile to ensure that they look natural to the search engines.

  57. thanks for narrating this step by step guide on blog commenting. I am fully aware about blog comments and niche blogging.

  58. moz bar tool is very good tool check for your no follow, do follow links.

    thanx for sharing such detailed information on SEO link building.

  59. Great ways to find CommentLuv blogs in your niche,also you can direct find the blogs for commentLuv through Drop my Link website. Thank you!

  60. Thanks for writing such a good article on backlinks. It is not bendy in backlinks. People always try direct method but most of time these trick don’t works. Your tips are helpful for the person to make good backlinks for their websites or blog. This content is so valuable and surely unique that people are happy and really helpful for them. any pressure from your side, neither in the form of request nor hint or reminder in any ways.

  61. waoo! such an informative content about dofollow backlinks and blog marketing tips. I really like the way it’s presented in clear writing.

  62. Yes indeed, do follow blog comments can really help to make a good back links.And creating solid backlinks is one of the surest ways to improve domain authority

  63. Commenting in other blogs is one of the effective methods to get backlinks and getting links from a do follow blog automatically increases your site visibility in search engines and also your page rank. You can comment on hundreds of blogs on the internet but only a few of them are really do follow. How do you find do follow blogs or sites that are related to your niche?

  64. Thanks for writing such a good article on backlinks. It is not bendy in backlinks. People always try direct method but most of time these trick don’t works. Your tips are helpful for the person to make good backlinks for their websites or blog. This content is so valuable and surely unique that people are happy and really helpful for them. any pressure from your side, neither in the form of request nor hint or reminder in any ways.

  65. Hi,
    This is a good resource for finding best SEO tools. I found all the browser plugin SEO tools in this single helpful post.
    It’s amazing! Thanks again for sharing such an insightful post.

  66. Blog commenting is the best way to promote your website in SERP but only DoFollow comment. This post is very helpful to find DoFollow commentLuv blogs in your niche. I will suggest posting a unique comment.

  67. hey. very nice content on SEO shared by you. this article is very useful for one who works on improving On-site SEO techniques. keep updating these type of tips tutorials. i got many new things from this detailed guide. thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge with us.

    • Thanks for sharing this amazing SEO post! This is a great read for small businesses and
      startups who are working in marketing or SEO. I absolutely love how you have
      explained each step of SEO.

  68. Great more experience.This blog post on Blog Commenting and SEO is very informative and also very interesting.thanks for sharing it. I also have a website for Seo and affiliate marketing.

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    i want to say that you should publish more article on seo topic.very good post.

    • yes
      Really awesome post and I got clear many points after reading this post.
      Please assist me to make my blog fruitful.

  70. Great post! really informative.
    I recently had a word with a co-worker and he suggested me to start using AHREFS for link building. would love to hear your views about it.

    • Hi David,

      Arefs is the ultimate tool for link analytics, but guest posting, marketing out-reach and forum participation is the most recommended ways to build backlink for money blogs and/or long-time websites.

  71. Such a nice and Helpful Article i am happy to reach you and Read your article. i share your article on my social media accounts and also bookmarked because its very helpful for me thanks for publishing this valuable tips.

  72. Nice post, These are really nice tips to find the do-follow blogs of your niche. I appreciate your work. Thanks for sharing.

  73. Nice tips and tricks shared by you this will surely increase the rating in any search engine and I appreciate your work. And thanks for sharing this.

  74. Great Article ! Completely agree with the flow. Thanks for sharing. I am sure other too would benefit from it.! Cheers !! :slightly_smiling_face:

  75. Super helpful post. Your blog is full interesting and practical methods to improve my link profile on my website. Thanks for sharing. keep it up.

  76. I never knew untill now that no follow link from a goof traffic can brink a pretty good traffic and higher up the rank.

    thank you so much

  77. Hi, Really Great Post i really like thank you so much to the author you shared with very expert experience!! I also follow this method on my website.

  78. Hi, Really Great Post i really like thank you so much to the author you shared with very expert experience!! I also follow this method on my website.

  79. Nice post. Offers fresh insights on blog commenting. I will try the outlined methods on my link building strategy locating do-follow blogs in my niche. Thank you for your efforts.

  80. Do follow comment link is better than nofollow ones. Great information overall. It really increased my knowledge about blog and site commenting.

  81. Great Article.. Completely agree with the flow. Thanks for sharing. I am sure other bloggers and marketers too would benefit from it. Cheers..!!

  82. Great Article on SEO Comments .. Completely agree with the flow…Thanks for sharing. I am sure other too would benefit from this tips/tutorial

  83. Great Article.. Completely agree with the flow…Thanks for sharing. I am sure others too would benefit from this SEO content.

  84. Your post is good to do so and I think Google dorks are the best practice to find these comment links may be follow or no follow some apps are available on vshare app market that provides detail knowledge for finding such keyword techniques and detail seo process too

  85. Nice info! This is very nice explanation about how to do dofollow comments with niche related sites. Hope it will helps digital marketers to build more backlinks to their website.

  86. Great post! really informative.
    I recently had a word with a co-worker and he suggested me to start using AHREFS for link building. would love to hear your views about it.
    Looking Forward to Your reply :D

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  88. Great experience.This blog post on Comments and SEO is very informative and also very interesting.thanks for sharing.

  89. Hi, Really Great Post i really like thank you so much to the author you shared with very expert experience!! I also follow this method on my website.

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  91. Awesome.
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    should encourage and appreciate.Informative and interesting thank you for sharing.

  93. Very nice and informative post related to do follow commentluv blogs. In backlinking do follow comment is very important and this post gives the detail information related it.

  94. Great Article.. Completely agree with the flow. Thanks for sharing. I am sure other too would benefit from it. Cheers…!!!

  95. It is very nice post related to dofollow comment v/s blog. It is very informative to SEO students and professionals.

  96. I really like your informative article. I have an idea to make a new strategy to your tips

    Thanks for sharing with us

  97. Hello,

    Very nice and informative post.

    Thanks for update.

    I never knew how to find .edu and .gov blogs !


  98. i read this article and found very informative and useful. i must say thanks to admin for the sharing of this post

  99. Hey Kyle Stevens,

    First of all i want to say that you wrote very informative post and this is really a nice tips to find the do-follow blogs.
    I agree with you. I will sure follow your tips.

    Thanks for sharing,

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  101. Great Article ! Completely agree with the flow… Thanks for sharing. I am sure other too would benefit from it. Cheers!!

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  107. Great Article ! Completely agree with the flow… Thanks for sharing. I am sure other too would benefit from it. Cheers!!

  108. That was awesome article by which one can find the do-follow links very easily. I just read it and i’ll try it now thanks for the article

  109. This article is very helpful for me. I am very happy for visiting this site. Thanks for a great post on how to get dofollow links in comments

  110. you can increase your blog backlinks with the help of many methods such as blog commenting, article submission directories
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  111. Thank You so much for giving the information about the how to find the do comment
    It is very informative post which inspires the skills of the person to learn about the seo. Thank You!

  112. This is a very good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere. Short but very accurate information… Thank you for sharing this one. A must read a post!

  113. Hi,

    I really appreciated this article. I was glad that you took the time to specify which “commands” we could use on Google in order to find out what blogs were relevant to comment on.

    One thing that I found a little confusing at first was that I was not sure which were the parts I was actually supposed to type in to the command line. I mention this because I don’t think I am stupid or a total technological newbie. I would recommend doing a screenshot of a sample search typed into Google. Such an example would really help clarify things and add a lot of value to the article.

    Also, an explanation of what each part of the “command” does would be nice. I figured it out for myself, but it would have been easier to have it spelled out. Maybe I like being spoon fed :).

    Nevertheless, the article has valuable information that I had a hard time finding anywhere else, and I really appreciated it!

    Best regards,


  114. Amazing. I like it. Very good information. You have shared in a very well manner that may make my task easy. I like your explanation on Vinyl. Also the sites mentioned are very handy.

  115. its really informative and helpful article,
    keep it up admin and thanks for sharing such a cool and nice posts.

  116. for me SEO is a new thing, because I’ve tried to practice some SEO techniques that I get from the search engines, that I want to ask, how to give depth to websites like search engines, and how important backlinks it?

  117. Thank for sharing this information.This is a very interesting site you got here. I really enjoyed reading through your article.

  118. Great quote you’ve got on the top of this post.

    I also love using quotes and images to hook readers in my blog posts.
    post is very interesting.keep posting

  119. Great quote you’ve got on the top of this post.
    I also love using quotes and images to hook readers in my blog posts.
    post is very interesting.keep posting

  120. Ver nice article.However, to find the do-follow blog comments you can also use a tool Namely as Dropmylink it is most useful from the SEO point of view.You can simply put your desired or niche keyword and you will find all the do follow websites where you can put your comments.

  121. Really Great Piece of article.Link bUilding is the most important fundamental aspects of to rank higher in search engine however also the content is really important for the website to be appeared because content is the King.well keep posting. Cheers.

  122. Nofollow link from any web page does not help your site rank, sure if it is on a nice website it might give you some traffic.There are many comment tools but commentluv is good one for me.

  123. I just want to let you know that I just check out your site and I find it very interesting and informative. I can’t wait to read lots of your posts. Tnks information.. Good jobs…!!!

  124. Keyword, i think the word of any post which you published and want to add for public. Great wording it solve the my confusion about keyword.

  125. Dofollow is very important for backlinks..That’s great to know about the information of dofollow links. please inform me how to find dofollow link.

  126. thanx for sharing this wonderfull post by your help we can get many backlinks on dofllow otherwise its very much hard to get backlinks in these days

  127. Using google search operators as footprints is still, (even today) an underrated tactic for easy link building. Cheers for the article, it’s given me some nice ideas!

  128. Wow. Amazing article. I felt it really helpful to find out different blog commenting websties to get back links for my website. Thanks for sharing

  129. Thanks for the sharing the awesome idea. thanks for good news.Like you already mentioned, do follow links pointing to your site is great means to improve your blog reputation to search engines and hence increase your search engine ranking

  130. Blog commenting is one of the easiest way to pick up free dofollow backlinks and it assists to increase the Google page rank. Blog comments is a technique that generate communication between blogger, blogs and blog readers. It’s a best way to share estimations and ideas about huge topics. Blog commenting sites are helpful for affiliate marketers and new bloggers who are looking for more traffic for there blogs.

  131. i use one of the method you have mentioned in the above post, i also visit top blogs and reach there comments section to find out new blogs for blog commenting. in this way i am commenting on the industry related blog or same niche blog for getting quality links.
    i read the article and then comment genuinely, i don’t just comment for sake of a backlink for my site.

  132. Dofollow is very important for backlinks..That’s great to know about the information to find dofollow links in blog.

  133. so, nice tips here to find Dofollow blogs to comment on. Like you already mentioned, dofollow links pointing to your site is great means to improve your blog reputation to search engines and hence increase your search engine ranking!

  134. this is the one of informative post for me i get a lot points from here.. and i suggest for other to create back-link..

  135. Great post!!!!…..I have a question though…..Commenting only on dofollow blogs might be considered spam. I suggest you also comment on nofollow blogs. Please reply if I am wrong.

  136. Simply blog comments are two types nofollow blog comment and dofollow blog comments . Dofollow blog comments pass link juice but nofollow link not use by search engine.thanks for sharing us such post.

  137. This strategy to build quality backlinks is amazing. I am motivated by the image you shown in your post as a proof and after that i try to built backlinks using your technique and guess what ? i am getting good results. Thanks for sharing this article. Keep sharing more articles so that more users can get benefits.

  138. Thanks for sharing nice article. Really like the point of adding the extension of nodofollow as your firefox extension. I have installed it but i am not able to open that extension, i am working on it. But thank you.

  139. Thanks for share with us an important article. We have learned very powerful tips from your site. I always follow your websites.

  140. Hi
    I read your post and found it quite unique.
    The post you shared is very interesting and informative.
    Thanks for sharing such a useful piece of yours.

  141. , nice tips here to find Dofollow blogs to comment on. Like you already mentioned, dofollow links pointing to your site is great means to improve your blog reputation to search engines and hence increase your search engine ranking! I will sure follow your tips. Thanks for sharing!

  142. Dofollow backlinks are the easiest and most conducive way for ranking and building up a website.dofollow links pointing to your site is great means to improve your blog reputation to search engines and hence increase your search engine ranking. Thanks for sharing

  143. Thank you for sharing such a great information with us i really learning so many things from your articles keep going

  144. dofollow backlinks are always better for ranking any blog but its very difficult to find it now as most of the blogs are nofollow
    now i will implement all thse steps

  145. Appreciate the search instructions. It amazes me how hard these are to find to find certain blogs or sites in your niche. I’m not very tech-savvy so it’s nice to know how to narrow things down when I search for useful sites. Thanks again!

  146. Thanks for share with us an important article. thanks i already bookmarked your website. you are amazing writer man. Just love your articles. Thanks for providing information in such a short and clear manner. We have learned very powerful tips from your site. I always follow you websites.

  147. Seriously by reading this article i know the importance of do follow comments , Actually i am new in seo so this article is very helpful for me .

  148. There is too much information on this page, thanks for sharing. I think .gov and .edu are still making difference.

  149. I am feeling very lucky to have viewed this post. Very great information. Keep postings. This article has a lot of unique and quality information.

  150. Thanks for sharing. but do follow is not enough backlink has high pr to… I also think .gov and .edu are still making difference.

  151. Thanks for the post. For all blogger and SEO expert can get easily professional ideas from this blog Because Kyle’s blog is really awesome where only he discussed the effective idea of blogging. It was very helpful for me…

  152. For all blogger and SEO expert can get easily professional ideas from this blog Because Kyle’s blog is really awesome where only he discussed the effective idea of blogging and Linkbuilding …Really nice.

  153. Great information for creating backlink from high authorized websites like .edu and .gov.

    Thanks Kyle for sharing the fruitful information among us.

    Warm regards

  154. Do-follow Comments are most highly powerful for Highly qualified ranked, when i read this article i can get more thought form here and gather more knowledge from here.

  155. Do-follow Comments are most highly powerful for Highly qualified ranked, when i read this article i can get more thought form here and gather more knowledge from here. I have a web where i am practice about SEO please have you more time or you want to learn more about this topics please visit my blog

  156. I want to say how much I enjoy your blog. For beginners, like me there is so much to reference. For instance if I do not understand DoFollow, I can go find an article and learn about it. I’m getting it.

  157. That’s great to know about the information to find dofollow links in blog..Dofollow is very important for backlinks..

  158. really a informative post for bloggers to getting backlinks in their SEO, I also write a simple article about how to rank your blog higher in less time by using On Page SEO optimization, so you should must read it:

  159. Dofollow is very important for backlinks..That’s great to know about the information to find dofollow links in blog

  160. Today it is very important to work on do follow backlinks. A well planned do follow backlinks strategy can help us in better SEO experience. I have a link to share with you all. goforseo.com/what-is-do-follow-backlinks-dofollow-vs-nofollow-backlinks Read this link to know how important it is to work hard for do follow backlinks.

  161. It’s important to define your objectives. This is the basis for building your website to make your audience take actions that will help you achieve your objectives. Want them to buy? Set up an ecom store. Want them to leave their contact details? Provide a form for them to fill in. Align your website with your objectives.

    • This article is mind-blowing and extremely inspiring, most especially to young bloggers like us who finds it hard ranking on search engines with little to no link building excersice.

    • Most a times, comments gets disproved because they are short, spammy, isn’t related to the topic of discussion or not in line with the comments guidelines of the host blog or website.

      It is wise to make valuable comments, thereby making your contribution the chief above the links you intend promoting

  162. Thanks for sharing the awesome idea. it really shows your efforts for the seo. I will apply these to find the ranking of my website. really awesome

  163. Thanks for the info! I’m new to SEO and wasn’t even aware of Do follow and No follow blogs. I’ll try to get several of each. And thanks for the firefox add-on I’m sure it will come in handy!

  164. The SEO consensus is that you need a mixture of both nofollow & dofollow, but don’t expect to steal the link juice from the webmaster by placing your url in the comment box considered spam. This can be countered with a rel=”nofollow” tag, put there intentionally to keep all the link juice to themselves. http://www.globalbabbler.com

  165. Nofollow link from any web page does not help your site rank, sure if it is on a nice website it might give you some traffic but having nofollow links are also important, as all do follow links to your site is not a good SEO practice

  166. Thanks for the sharing the awesome idea. thanks for good news.Like you already mentioned, dofollow links pointing to your site is great means to improve your blog reputation to search engines and hence increase your search engine ranking

  167. Hi Kyle,

    Here you open a right topic those who really in web basket to keep users view and idea. Only idea is core of changes, improvement and growth. However most of comment is positive but some are negative. There are many comment tools but commentluv is good one for me.


  168. Thanks for sharing the awesome idea. it really shows your efforts for the seo. I will apply these to find the ranking of my website. really awesome

  169. We will adjust your website code, structure, content (with your revision and approval), meta-tags, meta-files, some specific html tags, the keyword density and keywords predominance, etc, and other SEO actions for selected keywords.

  170. nice and effective post about seo backlink.for the help of the post ,many people/visitor able to create backlink and get more traffic for their sites. thanks a lot for this article.

  171. ofollow backlinks help your blog visibility in major search engines like Google,yahoo,bing.Here is many method to create high dofollow backlinks but the main and popular way to make dofollow backlink is blog commenting and this is very easy method to make good and unique dofollow backlinks and here is many blogs where we comment many of nofollow and nofollow backlink is ignored by search engines bot.
    los angeles website design

  172. Wow, nice tips here to find Dofollow blogs to comment on. Like you already mentioned, dofollow links pointing to your site is great means to improve your blog reputation to search engines and hence increase your search engine ranking! I will sure follow your tips. Thanks for sharing!

      • Do-follow backlinks are an essential component of any successful SEO strategy. Unlike no-follow links, do-follow backlinks pass link equity and help to improve a website’s search engine rankings. However, it’s important to note that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to building do-follow backlinks. Focus on earning backlinks from high-authority websites that are relevant to your niche, as these will have a much greater impact on your website’s visibility in search engine results pages. Overall, do-follow backlinks can be a powerful tool in your SEO toolkit, but they should always be earned through ethical and white-hat link-building practices.


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