Home Sponsored Tweetlow Review: an enhanced app to get real followers on twitter

Tweetlow Review: an enhanced app to get real followers on twitter



a twitter retweet web app by Joseph Efoghor

My motive for reviewing tweetlow is the fact that topics like; followers on twitter, “how to get followers on twitter” and “how to get twitter followers for free” keeps staying popular among bloggers and internet marketers who knows how profitable an interactive twitter account could be when used aright.

You may have heard about Justretweet, Easyretweet, etc but I am not sure if you have ever heard about Tweetlow before. If you have never heard about it, Tweetlow is the new bride of the retweet world. It is the new retweet site that is pulling crowds now.

Social media has become an inseparable part of blogging and internet marketing. Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest are the four leading social media sites right now. To be able to make meaningful impact in blogging or internet marketing, you need be socially connected and popular, hence a lot of internet users are trooping to twitter and the other sites mentioned earlier.


However, getting a lot of people to follow you on twitter is not as easy. But to make a huge impact, you surely need to have lots of followers. People have tried to make things easier for themselves by trying to use bots to create automated followers, but they got punished by twitter because twitter wanted real human followers, not bots.

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This is where Tweetlow.com becomes extremely relevant. On Tweetlow, twitter rules are obeyed to the letter; no spamming is allowed and bots are not allowed. You get followed by real people with human faces – people with their true profile pictures, people you already know in the blogosphere and in the internet marketing arena. Tweetlow is a sort of community where you build friendship with real humans.

How does Tweetlow work?

Usually, you log into Tweetlow with your twitter details (don’t worry because your account security is guaranteed), and then you are redirected into your tweetlow account. You then get 100 credits points for opening your account. Then go to your dashboard and click on “Edit profile” to edit your profile and add your details. You are given a link to confirm your account. Upon clicking on the link, an email is sent to your mailbox. Go to your mailbox and click on the confirmation link. If successful, you receive extra 700 credits for confirming your account.


Getting more credits

If you need more retweet credits, there are about 4 ways to get them:

1. Follow other people and get whatever credits they have set for following.

2. Retweet other people’s tweets and get credits for retweeting

3. Refer new members and get 100 retweet credits for each referral. Get this by clicking on the “Free credits” link on the top right panel

4. Purchase a package. There are several categories of packages available to help you get more retweets. Payment is handled by Paypal so you need not worry about your account security. Once your payment is successful, you automatically get the credits you paid for in your account

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Getting more retweets and followers

To get more retweets, go to “Submit tweets” and set your message. Offer some of your credits and set how many credit points one should get for retweeting your message. With that people can retweet your message and boost their credits level. Remember that the more generous you are the more retweets you get.

To get more followers, click on “Get followers” and set the credits you wish to give to whosoever follows you.


Getting featured

You could also get featured on tweetlow for 1, 3, 7, 14 or 30 days, depending on the package you buy. Another way to get featured is to do a review of tweetlow on your site and receive 20,000 free retweet credits as well as get featured for 7 days.

Tweetlow is a nice place to build a community of bloggers, freelance writers, internet marketers, etc. The caliber of people on the site attests to its quality. Spammers are not welcome in this community of reputable people. Join Tweetlow today and start getting real human followers on twitter.

This publication is sponsored by Joseph Efoghor of Business Success Guide.


  1. i still get the same error message …..( You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘home of blogging, information and technology’, email_conf=’0′, ‘ at line 3 )

  2. and this is the error i got “You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘home of blogging, information and technology’, email_conf=’0′, ‘ at line 3 “

  3. Help please… I am having problem getting my 700 free point…. Because they refuse to send me a mail…… After updating my account info at tweetlow, i got an error message saying there is an error in my sql…… I am confused

    • Doncyber, Please log out and login again. Edit your profile and click on the link to receive your mail. Don’t refresh your page; just wait to see what happens. If you still have any challenge then let us know again. Sorry about your stress.

    • Cheryl, Thanks for your inquiry. You don’t need the credits on Twitter. You need them to offer to people on Tweetlow so that they can either retweet your twitter messages or follow you. In that case your messages are retweeted by several people because you are offering them incentives to do so. It also makes a lot of the members to follow you on twitter thereby increasing your twitter presence.

  4. this is what i have been waiting for …. i an really interested in this……. of i go for signup…. i need to promote my weblog…. thanks for sharing this

  5. Interesting – I have never heard of this before. I might go and check it out – it’s always good to become part of a real community of shared social media.

    • Emily, thanks for your comment and for the curiosity. Tweetlow is relatively new, but it is already being trusted in the blogosphere because the people know the personality behind it. Besides all members are already known to one another through a long period of close interaction and relationship building.


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