10 Reasons Why Blogger is Better than WordPress

Recently I wrote an interesting article on why WordPress is better than blogger, from experience I would write in this article about the other side of the coin, it would be unfair not to write the positive aspect of blogger platform, so in this article I would list out the features that makes blogger better than WordPress.


Yes! I can say that over and over again, I once had a blog on blogger, it has no real backlink, all I did was write some nice articles (10 articles or so), I shared the article on social networks for a while and abandoned the blog, as I lost interest in the niche in which it was created, So I was searching for an article on topics that relates to the niche, and I was so surprised to see the blog among the top 5 in first SERP (search Engine Result Page). I did not create any backlink whatsoever, and some way somehow, the blog find its way to the top page in Google, the only reasonable explanation to this is that blog hosted on blogger experience some sort of favoritism, if you work hard on updating your blogger’s blog very well, with original and nice update, there is every tendency that it would rank higher than a blog with the same attention, but created on WordPress.


Creating a blog on blogger allows a novice to maintain a fully functioning blog, this is not possible on WordPress (you’re expected to know a thing or two about html and php), on blogger you don’t need to know anything about coding, it has a very simple editing platform, that gives a point and click option in editing your blog. Blogger is a very convenient platform for non-technical people.

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All you need to do is create a Gmail account (in less than 5 minutes) then create a blogger blog and install your desired theme! You’re good to start posting article! Fast and easy right? Compared to WordPress, where you would have to deal with hosting issues, install scripts and configuring it to suit your purpose.


Blogger is built in such a way that it allows you to install any theme even when you’re on the free version (they’re all free!) i.e.yoursite.blogspot.com compared to WordPress, installation of theme is not allowed on free version, you would be allowed to install theme only after you’ve paid for the hosting, tricky huh?


Even though WordPress is said to have various plug-in which helps in preventing spam comment, the effective ones are premium, which means blog owners would have to pay before they can make use of the plug-in, this is not so on blogger, as it has an in-built spam control, that automatically prevents spam comment, you don’t even get to see the spam comment, talk less of worrying about deleting them, now that’s pretty cool!


Google tools comprises of various apps that can help enhance your blog, tools ranging from webmaster tools, to Google analytics. Having your blog on blogger makes it easy to incorporate all this tools into your blog, it is also possible to embed the tools on WordPress blog, but you would have to copy codes from one place to another, on blogger it’s a one click event.

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When you compile and publish a post on blogger, its interface is designed in such a way that it prompts you to share your new post with your Google+ followers, creating more audience for your blog. Blogger also have in-built share button, which means, you don’t have to worry about editing share button code into your blog template.


Downloading your blog backup is a very easy operation on blogger, compared to WordPress, you don’t have to get your hands dirty with some code before you download and save your blog backup, there is an option to download and save the file in your desired format.


Blogger has various themes, with simple layout, making it easier for blog visitors to navigate through your blog without getting lost is some complex blog design. This is a huge advantage as it will allow visitors to stay longer on your blog without getting frustrated.


Blogger’s blog is not as vulnerable as WordPress, blogger’s blog cannot be attacked through its data base, compared to WordPress, that relies on third party plug-ins for its full functionality, such blog can be easily attacked, by the publisher or the plug-ins.
I have done my best to analyze and compare the two popular blogging platforms, but the key to successful blogging does not lie majorly on which platform you use, what matters is the level of commitment you put into it.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


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