Home Wordpress 5 Plugins Every Blogger Should Install on their Blogs (WordPress)

5 Plugins Every Blogger Should Install on their Blogs (WordPress)

There are basically some very important WordPress plugins that you should install on your blog. In fact, without these plugins, your blog might be left vulnerable, get low traffic, and even load slowly. There are a lot of plugins out there that make your blog really great, but I prefer to list these five as they address the basic issues a blogger using WordPress might encounter. Before you continue, you might want to read How To Secure Your WordPress Blog and Protect it from Hackers. I recommend this article because hacking WordPress blogs is quite easy, and if you don’t want to fall victim to script kiddies looking to illegally access your blog, then read the article above.

5 Plugins Every Blogger Should Install on their Blogs

1. WSD Security

This is the first plugin you should install on your blog immediately after installing wordpress. It is a security plugin that checks 8 major areas hackers can hit you from. After that is done, it provides you with solutions to help you secure your blog more. You can also carry out periodic scans to check for loop holes.

It also provides an option for you to back up your database.Your database contains every comment, post and link you have on your blog. If it gets erased or corrupted you stand the chance of losing everything. There are a couple of reasons why your database might get corrupted and some of these you can not control, so its best if you back it up using this plugin.

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Click here To download WSD Security Plugin

2. ShareThis(Social Plugin)

Once this is integrated into your blog, you get access to easily add social media buttons on any page or post on your site. This is a sure way to give visitors the chance of liking and sharing the post they loved!. With this, you get more traffic and social network presence. There are many plugins that can do this, but I chose ShareThis because it is easy to use and makes sharing extremely easy. You don’t need to mess with your CSS or any code to embed this and if you are using a mobile theme like MobilePress, it would add the button to your mobile view automatically.

Click Here To download ShareThis Plugin for your Blog

3. CommentLuv Plugin

Believe it or not, CommentLuv Plugin has been known to be the best and most efficient way to get your readers commenting. Why? Because it gives them two links back to their website. One to their site’s index page and the other to their recent post. Not only that, it provides the option of visitors subscribing to follow up comments by email notifications and also helps control spam by adding captcha image. The premium version of this plugin provides you a lot more but you can start with the free version and see how it goes first. I recommend every blogger should have this on their blog as it is one of the best ways to engage your visitors and keep them coming back


Click here to download CommentLuv Plugin for WordPress

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4. WordPress SEO by Yoast

Search Engine Optimization is one important aspect of your blog you can’t afford to skip especially if you are hoping to get free traffic from search engines. Using WordPress SEO by yoast, you can easily customize the meta description you like and customize the page title witht he right kewords. You can also check the keyword density in the post body, title and meta description. This plugin would check and inform you about the SEO aspect of your blog your should fix therefore making SEO extremely easy. It also comes a built-in Sitemap tool so your post gets indexed faster by search engines

Click here to Download WordPress SEO by Yoast

5. WP Super Cache Plugin

WP Super Cache plugin is the best plugin to use for your blog especially if you are on a shared hosting. It clears the browser’s cache, page cache, database cache and object cache, this, in turn, makes your blog load faster. Using a cache plugin is the ulmitate solution to the problem of your WordPress site loading slow. Although a blog loading slow could be caused by a number of reasons like the number of images, javascript codes, plugins installed and others, clearing your cache would surely improve the loading speed

Having these plugins installed in your blog should be done as soon as you set up your blog. There are also similar plugins from other authors that perform the same functions as the ones above, feel free to look for others and find the one that suits your needs.

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