I have written several articles on blogger and WordPress, I have used both platform during my blogging career, and they both have their strength and weakness, one of blogger’s strength is the favour she receives from Google search engine, often we choose to ignore this known fact, simply because most of the successfully bloggers we know run their bog on WordPress. I would discuss the five major reasons why Google favours blogger over WordPress blogs.
- Simple but Elegant:
Bloggers blog may look simple but they are actually elegant and often the codes are clean and almost perfect for Google crawler, this simplicity allows search engines to navigate through the contents of the blog, accessing and connecting the blog through links on each page. This clean code attributes works in favour of blogger blog as ranking in the first page becomes easier because Google crawler could crawl their blog twice or more per day, compared to WordPress blog.

- Loads fast:
Blogger does not make use of any third party plug-in before it functions fully, this is not true of WordPress, as WordPress users relies on various third party applications to enhance the functionality of their blog, the adverse effect of all the installed plug-in is that, it increases the page load time, often search engine crawlers does not favour blogs/website with high page load time, it does not allow the crawler to work efficiently, which means the search engine crawler would not be visiting the blog for update as often as expected. This indirectly means, blogger blog would rank higher than WordPress blog on Google, when compared to their WordPress counterpart.
- No Spam:
WordPress is prone to various spams, no doubt about that, often search engines flag blog that has spam content on it, making it difficult to rank in search result, the adverse effect of spam on a blog cannot be overestimated, but blogger has a well sophisticated spam system that automatically deals with the spam comment and deletes all spam related content even without the blog administrator knowing about the spam.
- Verified Author:
Since blogger blog, requires that you have a Google account with vital information about yourself and your company, Google will have your details on their server, making it easy to associate your Google account with your blog, this allows Google to verify your account as an author on
the blog, trusting your blog ahead of other anonymous blog in the same niche. If you observe some popular blog, there are picture of blog authors on the article when it’s being displayed on search results.
- Social widgets:
Since blogger is associated with Google’s social network (G+), it’s automatically prompt you to share your newly published article on Google Plus, when you share your article on Google plus, it increases the visibility of your article on search engines when they search for your content while they’re logged on to their Google Plus account, I consider this to be an advantage for blogger because WordPress blog is not directly connected with Google plus, they make use of Plug-in instead.
Tips: 5 Truthful Reasons why wordpress is not for newbies
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