You can Now Track Your Loved ones via Uber

The need for safety have always been a major priority on the car reservation/booking platform (Uber) and that is one reason for this awesome feature from the guys at Uber.
Just in case you are hearing about Uber for the first time,
Uber Technologies Inc. is an American multinational online transportation network company headquartered in San Francisco, California. It develops, markets and operates the Uber mobile app, which allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own cars. As of April 12, 2016, the service is available in over 60 countries and 404 cities worldwide. Since Uber’s launch, several other companies have copied its business model, a trend that has come to be referred to as “Uberification”.
Uber was founded as “UberCab” by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp in 2009 and the app was released the following June. Beginning in 2012, Uber expanded internationally. In 2014, it experimented with carpooling features and made other updates. Klout ranked the San Francisco-based company as the 48th-most powerful company in America in 2014. By late-2015, Uber was estimated to be worth $62.5 billion.
The legality of Uber has been challenged by governments and taxi companies, who allege that its use of drivers who are not licensed to drive taxicabs is unsafe and illegal.
With the implementation of this feature, you will now be able to track when you loved ones are taking a cab and show you the route they are taking via a real time map. This will also notify you on arrival their destination.
On a serious note, i see this to be an awesome feature at least relieving one of the stress on trying to know where and when you loved one(s) would reached their destination. That should bring some peace of mind to people who are worried about their spouses, children or parents traveling through the city by themselves.
The image below should give you a glimpse on what this new feature is all about.
Uber self tracing
Another new feature is the ability of family members to now pay for any ride at all. What this means is, you can always tell your Loved one(s) to pay for you using Trip Tracker available to users across the globe. Now this is the best i presume! :)
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