Reasons Why Our Website Traffic and Domain Authority Dwindled

surefire reasons while your site pagerank is going downQuestions started popping my mail box from friends and loyal readers of our blog who just finished reading our recent post on legal tricks to increase google pagerank just after the tutorial was published.

Some of them were like hey pro, we thought you once had pr3 in this blog, what happened ? were you affected by google panda and pengium update?

I was like hell no, I’m going to outline the reasons for you in my next tutorial. Till now most of my closest friends still doubt the fact that as a domain still have it’s highest rank as pr3 and domain authority (DA32) as 32 which isn’t a bad stat considering all the woes we forced the domain to go into just in less than a year time. became publicly accessible on the fifth of july 2012 just a month after domain name purchase and has since then served a lot of persons for various reasons including serving as an info portal.

I think reading through this tutorial will guide you thoroughly on the mistakes you need avoid and steps you must take to keep and preserve your site / domain at the top knocking down the head of your fiercest competitors.


See Also: A-Z Journal on Generating Quality / GenuineTraffic To ur Blog / Website


Reasons Why We Lost Our Homepage Rank From pr3 Down to pr1

As earlier stated in the introduction of this article as a domain name still maintains it’s highest ranking page as 3 (pr3) and Domain Authority 32 (da32).

This without doubt will raise a question in many readers mind like , why do I see pr1 while checking with any of this free pagerank analytic tools ?

Well we will leave the answer to this in the comments area or probably in our next article . Now I want to categorically state the reason why our domain rank moved from google pagerank pr3 to pr1 in details ,

  • Bad Host  
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Practically this issue didn’t affect our site rank that much but it prompted most of the other reasons below. We started out on a very bad host with less than %50 up-time guaranty during the weekends, this wasn’t a good sign for our site ‘cos we do most of our onsite seo activities during the weekends, I guess you know how much it pains coming to your site with good map and projections only to come and meet it dead with silly messages like “can not connect to database” etc.

This also affected the overall user-experience of our earlier users who stopped visiting regularly ‘cos of steady down time.

Making a choice of good host should be your first step in building  back-links that will always stand the test of time beating every possible update and measures to dethrone your domain .


See Also : SEO , SERP & the Important Of Optimizing Your Website For Search Engines


  •   Indecision

While indecision might not be the problem of most persons reading this , it’s quite advisable to note that for some it is indecision that has either stopped  their domain name from ranking high or that has dwindled it from previous high ranking position .

while your pagerank is dropping instead of increasing

A clearer look at the second comment on the image above will further explain to you how inimical and disastrous it is leaving indecision at the forefront of your site future.

At first Our Homepage was left completely fallow ‘cos we were still regretting our premium domain that was stolen by a serious domain flipper who knows the worth and we were only managing a discussion board and a blog in the domain sub directory  (/blog and /forum).

Helping a Business with Promotional Products

This didn’t leave a good reputation of us in the mind of our loyal readers so we decided to drop a beautiful image on the homepage with links to other inner pages, later on we remove the images and created a drop-down menu with fancy social media buttons icons and finally redirected the root domain to our forum which was the busiest page as at that time.

This is how deep the plague of indecision made a  fool out of us and further sucked away from our homepage the google pagerank 3 (pr3) we garnered just in space of 2months .

  • We Gave Away too Much Link Juice to The Inner Pages of the Site

This is one of the major reasons a site will loose it’s google pagerank ‘cos when too much link juice is given to these inner pages the search engine considers them as most important and can even rank these pages better thank your homepage.

In our own case the contact us Page on the forum was ranking as high as pr3 (google pagerank 3) while the /forum page was on pr2.

There are preventive measures one can use to stop this from happening like installing the “No follow home internal links” plugin or manually adding the rel”nofollow” tag to unimportant pages of your domain .

  •   We Changed Our Permalink Structure Frequently 

If there is any  one word answer to give you as the reason for loosing the pagerank of our site it will be “Permalink”. While trying to implement the ideas of every one of our team member we succeeded in robing our site it’s reputation.

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One team member is of the opinion of using “pretty url” while the others didn’t buy the idea at all , Many sites linking back to us leads to a broken link and most of the time  redirected links. from forum.blablacom to  etc. and frequent change of the inner pages directory actually affected our incoming  links .


Measures We Have Taken to Increase Our Site Page Rank to 4 (pr4)

Practically it is vain and void pointing out problems without providing workable solution that’s why we have taken valuable time to create a workable method to increase your google pagerank we have implemented all of these and happily anticipating pr4 in the  google pagerank update .

Concluding Lines: Needless to tell you of the many benefit you can attain from having a higher google pagerank for your domain . The list of it’s benefit could be endless if we start pointing them out one after the other , the few we can list now includes :

  • Easy to get advertisers
  • Easy to get sponsorship for your premium giveaway
  • Easy to get back-links from authority sites
  • Many will be begging for link exchange which you can charge for (not recommended though )
  • Search Engines will Probably Rank you Very High in Search Results
  • It will build great trust and good reputation among your loyal subscribers

Strive to build a better, quality and authoritative back-link  for your site today by :

  • avoiding known loopholes that sucks away your site’s  google page rank  and
  • employ all known measures to improve and preserve your google pagerank
  • writing only unique and quality content for your site
Previous ItemSteps to creating your very first Blog / Website With Cms
Next ItemTips to Use Your New Computer Like a Pro
Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Google reduced my Page Rank from PR3 to PR2, maybe for the first reason you added here. My web server is not good for SEO and I lost my PR

  2. All the points which you have mentioned are truly practical and the cause of fall in the ranking and the reputation.Its mandatory to observe and take the right step while if you are in this business for quite a long.all the factors are equally important.

  3. your post is really inspiring and such an awesome one buddy.well written,keep it up.

  4. Efoghor Joseph Ezie Efoghor Joseph Ezie

    Obasi, it’s painful when you see the precious thing you have in your hand going away and you are helpless. I really feel for you, knowing how much effort is involved in building PageRank. However, all is not lost as you have been able to analyze the situation and trace the sources of the problems that led to a fall in PR.

    Like you rightly observed, taking instructions/suggestions from too many people at a time would end up leading one astray. I believe you will not make such mistakes again in the future. There are times you need to analyze suggestions and take your final decision as the person in charge.

    • Thanks for dropping by Joseph, your words are really encouraging just like the tips you gave as well. We have optimized our tech blog enough to get a better rank during next google pagerank update

  5. thanks for sharing this wonderful post! I love it…

  6. such an Interesting post, have really learn a lot from your experience

  7. I have been searching all weekend to find the right no follow plugin to install on my site. I know that I have been giving away a lot of link juice in my internal blog post. It’s will soon be time for Google to re-evaluate page link, and I am glad that I ran across your blog. I installed the plugin, so I think that I am good to go.


    • Yeah sure Deona, that should be able to restore your home page authority, categories, tags, Aurthur links, repeated footer tags link and the likes can actually suck the juice outta your homepage.

  8. I got hit with the permalink change effect once, great post bud all need to know information for any website owner

    • Yeah sure permalink change can really have a telling negative effect SEO-wise when it is done frequently

  9. great points, changing through indecision, and bad links, bad host sure, but it’s easy to run with notable good hosts that load fast – some good learning for you though

    • Thanks for dropping by Nick Ritchie, We Really learn the hard way

  10. Great information.. i am checking my rank now!

    • Yeah sure, it helps knowing your current page rank so as to able to improve or contact advertisers for your page

  11. Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

    I really need to get my head around all this ranking, image rich, juice, SEO stuff etc…… Thanks for your tips, I am still very new to blogging and trying to get peeps to my page but with your help, I’ll know all the tricks in the trade!!!

    Thanks again Obasi xx Dani

    • Thanks for dropping by Daniela, Seo is one of those important things you need to keep your site evergreen

  12. I had no idea what a pr3 or a pr4 were till today. Thank you fr sharing the information.

    • Thanks for finding this little piece useful, google pagerank helps your site sit in a very comfortable position in serp

  13. hey saw your post on nairaland about your blogs page ranking…read your previous posts and hey i am still learning

    • So nice you dropped by, hoping to get more of your feedback

  14. Really Learnt a lot from this, aapkaa Post bahut theek hai

    • thanks for dropping by Silver, hoping to see more of your feedback

  15. Thanks for checking out Haroun, we are seriously hopping for a better steady rank in next google page rank update

  16. Well done Obasi. You have a great Alexa rank, so I’m happy that you’re getting traffic to your site.

  17. Thanks for dropping by Michael, I also noticed that your domain is having a domain authority of 28 . pr1 and da28 isn’t a bad stat if you ask for my opinion

  18. Well, not good for you guys. I stuck with at least PR1. I do hope so that next update my site get some promotion.

  19. Adesanmi Adedotun Adesanmi Adedotun

    Wow, great observation!!!


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