The Solution for the 4th Industrial Revolution

As the world has barged into the era of the fourth industrial revolution, humanity has evolved into a stage where computers are not an option to live or live without. And much more areas and majors have appeared to educate and prepare our future generations to teach them how to manufacture and handle all computing devices. By far, the hottest subjects for now and the near future would be computer programming, aka coding. Programs and study areas like Artificial Intelligence. AI, Computer Vision, Deep learning are considered the vital courses to thrive during the 4th industrial revolution.

At the same time, the critical factor of computer programming is its application. Learners in computer programming are always able to “somewhat” understand its logic in their early stages. But as they begin to further develop their skills, they are very likely to hit a stumbling block and let themselves down.

Learners who could jump over this obstacle will stumble on another obstacle when they use their academic skills in real-life projects. The information they have learned from other resources would only allow them to read and understand the programed codes. Thus, making their students so-called “book-smart.” The pre-existing format of computer programming education is also considered relatively inefficient and ineffective.

For example, the paper copied books cannot virtually show and explain the solutions and codes typed by the learners themselves. It would also be a hassle to carry them around to study during the learners’ free time. Other educational formats used to teach computer programming are visiting a very costly educational institution or hiring a tutor.

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Introducing The Upgrade


As various issues like these have occurred from the pre-existing computer programming educational formats, an expert online educational platform, “creaApple,” has launched its own highly interactive computer programming e-book. Their e-book, called “THE UPGRADE: DEEP LEARNING FOR COMPUTER VISION,” is sectioned into 5 different parts for a sequential increase in its complexity.

They are Python Basics & Main Technologies, Data Analysis & Data Visualization, Principle of Regression and Valuation (Based on Data Analysis on the Boston Marathon), Process Images and Videos with OpenCV, and Utilize Deep Learning Modules, Deep Learning Video Processing. Since creApple has developed these various sections, each section was able to meet the needs of computer programming learners of all expertise.

The book also kindly explains why we should learn Computer Vision through “The Upgrade.” The most primary reason is that Computer Vision is all around us. It is used every day, even for those who have no idea what Computer Vision is.

The book’s first section, Web/App Development, goes through Android native app development, hybrid mobile development such as angular, Vue, etc., and web and app production such as mobile deep learning/cloud server. Second, Data Science: Science-related data visualization, machine learning, and profound learning lectures.

Last, IoT(Internet of Things): Creative courses related to IoT such as Python and Raspberry Pi. By learning Computer Vision through “The Upgrade,” the users would learn these 3 main areas of study.

The main advantage “The Upgrade” has over other educational platforms is evident in its educational goal and purpose. The first purpose of their development of “The Upgrade” was to provide their readers/learners with a step-by-step guide for their academic success.

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As their content walks alongside the learners’ learning speed, their content interactively covers everything from basics to challenges and actual applications in the professional field. Next, they aim to educate their readers to “Fully Understand” them.

The detailed instructions provide excellent insight and preparation for those entering this field of study. But the book didn’t only focus on the beginners. Its content is explicit and straightforward enough for those already working in the area and acts as a “sidekick.” Like Robin (The Upgrade) with Batman (learners).

Next, the content is conducted with highly “Systemized Courses.” This book contains almost every single aspect of Data Analysis, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision. So, these highly organized and systemized lessons will make the learners expert computer programmers. Lastly, the book is consisted of “Advanced Level Projects.” The book itself will prepare the learners to carry out actual projects representing that you are ready to start your career in this field.

THE UPGRADE features

After learning the ins and outs of computer programming, “The Upgrade” provides an additional lecture (as a stretch goal) for its learners. Their campaign has announced its stretch goal of delivering lectures about the COVID-19 X-ray evaluation upon reaching 300 backers.

Apart from its great educational content, the platform is considered highly accessible and efficient, like no other. All the content (written in the e-book) is accessible through the web and its mobile app. By utilizing the PWA technology, the contents are accessible anywhere globally with all mobile devices with internet access.

The e-book is also conducted with various language options to expand its learning channels globally with its worldwide option. The book is also easily accessible by providing different simplified login options. The book offers its users to log in via Email, Google, and Facebook to log in anytime.

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“The Upgrade” provides all the interactive courses on the go as well. As the creApple website offers more than 25 video lectures alongside its e-book, the learners can easily visualize the lectures without needing a personal computer 24/7. For learners that would like to go the extra mile, “The Upgrade” provides access to other affiliate websites like Inflearn and Udemy.

“The Upgrade” consists of three different reward tiers. The Data Analysis Bundle is priced at $147, the Computer Vision Bundle is priced at $207, and the complete package comes at $297. (Based on the Super Early Bird Pricing).

After the campaign, the potential students (backers) will immediately receive their e-book and application access via email for a speedy delivery. So no one would have to go through the hassle of waiting for a hard-copied book or to schedule an actual face-to-face class. Or even paying the astronomical costs of visiting an educational institution.

More information about “THE UPGRADE: DEEP LEARNING FOR COMPUTER VISION” can be found on their official Kickstarter campaign page.

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3ptechies Team
Team 3ptechies is a legion of tech apostles who are gadgets freak, tech enthusiasts, and lover of modern techs. Note: Our words are ours and as such doesn't represent the opinion of 3rd Planet Techies.


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