Top 5 Tips to Make Your Computer PC Last Longer

This tutorial covers all the basic tips one must undertake in order to prevent early damages to newly purchased computer machines such as: Laptop, desktop, pocket PC, netbook, game box and tablet devices.


tips to Make computer last longer

Windows 8.1 is one of the latest flagship operating system from Microsoft which explains the reason why ICT products like phones, laptops and netbooks running on this OS version receives customer interest than any other one using any of the previous OS.

Learning the best ways to make your computer, phones and devices running on newer OS versions last longer is the best thing you should be doing right now.

Always Read the User Manual :

As strange as this might sound, many (at least the few that I’ve seen) Do not attempt to read the user manual when they purchase their new machines.

All they do is unpack the device, celebrate the beauty, read the specification and next the manual is on top of their cardboard or at worst in their disposal bin.

This is generally a very bad practice for electronics to say the least, let alone one running latest operating system.

Always attempt to Read the manual, it will give you some basic guide at least for maximum experience at first use, it will also guide you with important warning and compatibility recommendations.

 Follow Best Practices

Every device has some basic practices that are termed best ‘cos it’s generally accepted by everyone. Best Practices to be strictly observed for your windows 8 machine includes and not limited to:

  1. Always be careful about allowing absentmindedness toward the position or state of your machines.
  2. Never allow water or drinks split on your devices
  3. Try as much as possible to keep your machine very neat and moisture free.
  4. Do not keep your devices very close to fire , inferno , too cold area and watery places
  5. Put your devices inside your handbag , hand purse, suitcase or luggage bags
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 Follow Recommended Practices

As a computer expert support team, I have come to understand how electronic devices work and can tentatively give you some basic recommendation that will blow 10 years more into the lifespan of your new computer machine.

Some of the few recommended practices for your new computer electronic machines includes:

  1. Buy an external enclosure, chases or skin for your machine ( this will help prevent physical damage from directly affecting  the body of your machines )
  2. Buy screen guard or protector for your windows 8 machines
  3. Always clean the screen of your machine with a lint-free cloth
  4. Add external memory storage to compliment the inbuilt device storage ( external hard disk drive and memory card will help keep some needless load off your devices , which in turn increases the performance and hdd life of the machine
  5. Always be cautious when removing the power cord, the charger and the earpiece. Also note that wrapping any of the cord tightly around itself  isn’t a brilliant practice


Follow Technical Advice Such as :

  1. Using an up-to date anti-virus, anti-theft , internet security and anti-spyware program
  2. Don’t ever leave the windows update turn off (some fixes , patches and security update is carried out automatically via windows update )
  3. Run Periodic Drivers Update ( Outdated drivers can cause stress on your machine or create security loopholes ) Making sure the drivers on your windows 8 machine is up-to date is one of the surest step to increasing the lifespan of your machine
  4. Remember there is something called warranty: Whenever you run into serious technical glitches at the earlier stage of your machine purchase, the first thing to look for is your warranty seal, if still under warranty, contact your machine vendor for quick and premium fix for your machine.
  5. Always check for Hardware Compatibility Before installing any device in your windows 8 machine: Hey why the heck are you going to wreck your machine by installing an outdated hardware on your windows 8 machine?
  6. Always check for windows 8 Compatibility before installing any software: Issues like blue screen of death, slow response and click rate, computer / phone periodic lagging, freezing and the likes are most of the times caused by incompatible software installed on the machine.
  7. Download Programs , Software , Games, Wallpaper , Screensaver & Application Only From Legal and Trusted Sources :    This is very important as most malicious programs that renders your machine unusable is usually pushed through this means
  8. Run Disk Cleanup, Disk De-fragment  and Disk errors tools Periodically probably once every month
  9.   All important and start up programs in your machine must be set to update automatically
  10. Always remove your charger from the wall socket when not in use. Also make sure you are careful about the power jack and also make necessary settings in your power option for maximum battery life
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Do Not Try to Repair the Machine Yourself   after warranty:

This is the mistake most users make trying to repair their machines by themselves even when they know nothing about technical fixes.

Why will someone want to risk his machine by trying to force a repair by imagining ghost solution when there are affordable computer repair services scattered everywhere most of which offer remote support.

The best way to get your machine fixed after the warranty period is sourcing for only qualified experts within your location, or ship it back to the original vendor for premium repair and fixes.

Think I’ve omitted anything/want to add some more tips for increasing the lifespan of latest computer machines? Let’s hear them in the comment section below.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Very informative. Thanks!

  2. Great info … very thorough and much needed today

  3. I have been a bit nervous about taking the Windows 8 Plunge….I think that I am ready.

  4. Jennifer Bolden Jennifer Bolden

    I am still trying to figure out Windows 7 some days! If I ever get Windows 8, I will come back here for tips!

  5. Not a huge fan of win8, but i am using it… Good tips!

  6. Dr. Steve Smiley Dr. Steve Smiley

    Nice post Obasi, It seems like my computers always die young. I’ll have to try some of your strategies mentioned in this post.

  7. I’ve never done any of those things. Haha

  8. Im mac’ing it atm, thinking of a change for the next lappy – good info for the change over! Cheers :)

  9. Great post! Thanks for the tips! Hoping to get a new laptop soon!

  10. ha ha, I laughed because I never do most, if not all of those things…

  11. great tips, i have a mac, been a long time since i have used a PC

  12. Great information. I always take time to read the Destructions ;-) hahaha

  13. Thanks for the tips. I just bought a new PC about a month ago and I’m trying to use it to its best ability.

  14. Orly Ballesteros Orly Ballesteros

    Thanks for the tip. I am now using Windows 8 and this will save me from the hassle of early breakdown which almost always ruin my day.

    • Windows 8 is such an awesome operating system. Handling new machines with care is one of those things you can’t really avoid

  15. This really helps in maximizing windows 8.


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