Reduce Image Size Quickly: 9 Best Free Image Compression Tools

Optimizing images for websites and blog is one thing you need to start taking seriously if you really do value the future of your sites. There are many free programs, software, and tools (both online & offline)  to easily reduce image sizes without losing its quality.

reduce and compress image sizes losslessly
Google and other major search engines now consider page load time a major factor for ranking websites high or low in their SERPs algorithm. Even humans will leave your blog faster than you expect them to if it takes a longer time to load. This is the reason why the need for image compression is so much needed in modern-day websites & blogs.
Today’s post will guide you through the 7 best and most recommended online tools for image compression and optimization. We shall take you through these best image optimizers and tips to reduce image size while preserving its original quality.

1. Use for all your .png images

Many top web hosting companies will always recommend the already popular WP plugin for self-hosted WordPress blog users who are in dare need of optimizing their blog images for faster speed and load time. This is an idea I will greatly support for a larger website, blogs, and forum who are using the WordPress CMS platform for their site.

Wp plugin works pretty great to compress images but not as well as the perfect online tool the guys over there at have provided to everyone for free without any option for a premium or paid plan. will not only serve for your post images but will greatly optimize your background images and most of those static files we use for our overall website or blog design.

On blogger blogspot powered sites works great by helping you compress even files as large as 1mb to as low 10kb, it will help reduce the sizes of those large background images while preserving the image or picture’s quality as well as the transparency.

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I will recommend you also use free online image compression software to optimize the images for your individual post contents as too many images in a single post can affect the load time. Fashion, photography tech, and tutorials bloggers also need optimize their images as most of their individual post can contain as many as 10 pictures at times.

Update: now works for .png and .jpg images. You can use for optimizing all your web graphics.

2. Shortpixel Image Optimizer

ShortPixel isn’t just an image optimizer, but one that can optimize PDFs and animated GIFs graphics as well. You can optimize up to 50 images at a go. This includes: .png, .jpg and .gifanimated images.

It comes with three optimization options. To wit: Lossy, Glossy, and Lossless image compression. You can test these three optimization options to see which works for you.

The link to shortpixel image optimizer is here.

3. ImageResize Optimizer

best free image optimizers

This is a lovely JPEG and PNG image compression tool. It works flawlessly for web images and doesn’t come 5Mb size limitation as with TinyPNG.

This tool works well for bulk image optimization. Here’s their official homepage.


4. Use for most .jpg images

If lossless compression for all your jpeg images is of a deep concern to you, then you won’t waste another minute before hovering your mouse to to download a better .jpg image compression and optimization tool that works offline and uses advanced techniques to render optimal reduced jpeg images. have got both windows and Mac version and serves very well when it comes to reducing image sizes without losing the original picture’s quality.

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5. JPEG Optimizer by

To me this is like the online version of software that renders better digital photo compression and optimum resizing. You can easily use it for .jpg images by browsing for the image that needs be optimized and choosing from the already provided compression level ranging from 0-99 that you want to apply to the image.

A low compression level will result in a much smaller filesize but image quality will be lower. You can also re-size the picture if there is any need for that.

6. Compress now by

Compressnow supports all widely used image formats helping you compress images Online easily and very quickly as well, all you need do is;

  • locate the images from your computer, flash disk or any other storage media by clicking on the “browse” button
  • Enter the percentage of compression you want from the uploaded images (lower percentage will always result to larger picture size as opposed to higher percentages that produces lower picture sizes with lower quality.
  • Hit the “compress now” button to get the work done
  • Monitor the new reduced image size created to confirm if it is suitable for your website
  • Enter another percentage value and re-compress if you aren’t very comfortable with the look of the new picture
  • Save the new picture to your computer and upload for use

Now you see how fast you can compress your images just within few seconds.

7.™ by Yahoo Developer Network

You can always use web image compression tools to optimize your images, according to the developers it uses optimization techniques specific to image format to remove unnecessary bytes from image files.

It is also a “lossless” tool, which means it optimizes the images without changing their look or visual quality.

Top 5 Killer Tips To Increase Fiverr Sales by 200% just like the others shows how many bytes you have saved by optimizing the images and also provides a downloadable zip file with the minimized image files.

8. Free Image Optimizer by

Image Optimizer software has got both the Microsoft windows software version and the online web version.

Just like the other tools named above, you can always use it to resize, compress and optimize your image files for faster page speed and optimal image attachments.

9. Reduce Images by

Reduce images is another awesome web app you can use to  reduce JPG, BMP, GIF and PNG images online, it also gives you the option to  select the size and quality of the new image.

Just like every other free apps contained in this guide, it’s end result is usually a  lighter image, easier to upload to websites, send by e-mail and sharing with friends.

Concluding Lines :

I have carefully outlined the best free 7 software, application or tools out there for you to compress your images losslessly without seeing those annoying adverts and pop-ups.

Other ones may not be able to beat this ones when it comes to reducing image size for optimized page speed. Most of the ones I deliberately ignored  are just used as a marketing strategy as you’ll always get disturbed with their annoying adverts, size limitation and a bunch of spam messages requesting you to make one premium upgrade or some other better features.

The ball is now in your court to start optimizing your images, after all this tools can work on WordPress, blogger, Joomla, Facebook, Gmail or any were at all even for offline uses.

Let’s take a little ride with more tips to make your website great and the net full of fun.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Nice content Obasi..!
    I use this tool and it’s so amazing but one thing which i want to tell you is that tinypng never converts files above 5 MB. You can also compress pdf files online free using these tools.

  2. Hi Obasi,

    Nearly 4 years since you published this review and most of the tools listed are going strong even today, in 2017!! Great going.

    It would interest you to know that we have recently rolled out a similar online service that we call Slim N Trim. While we continue to improve the service, we hope you and the readers here will find Slim N Trim useful:

  3. Awesome post. My choice is image optimizer.

  4. i think this png/jpg/image compressor is better as it allows 50 files in one chance. plugin is not recommended as it will always keep your server loaded with excess load. i agree that it will automate the process but when you can do samething in 1 second through online without slowing down your website then i think that is the best. if you know any better then kindly share link.
    Get rid of Plugin and make super fast website. It takes 1 second to just browse your all files.(yes all files as you wont need more than 50 files for any article) so just upload and get compressed file instantly and enjoy the fast website.

  5. Awesome Post Obasi..!
    You really rocked it, I was searching for best image compression tools for free online then I found your pretty awesome blog which cleared my each and every doubts.
    I wanna suggest you few more image compression tools which I usually use like ‘’ , it’s really very easy to use in one step, I have found this tool from list of top 10 image compression tools of 2016. You should check it out once and update your list….

  6. It is very important for a blogger’s site that it runs efficiently. We write articles where images play a very important and crucial role in to represent our information. Also we know that images can’t be neglected in a blogger’s life and so it’s very important to maintain that efficiency in our blogging site by reducing that burden of our site using proper compressed images.
    Thanks a lot for sharing this useful information.

  7. On our blog we use dropbox to host our images. It is the easiest way to keep your servers free from load and make you site run faster. You have mentioned some nice compressing tools for JPEG and PNG
    would certainly use them :)

    • Wow! Shristhi,

      Dropbox is really a great option though many still prefers photobucket and to it. It is also really interesting you have figured out what really works great for your blog.
      We will try to explore more options when we start dealing with a lot more images than text.

      Thanks for dropping bye and also have a splendid week

  8. Obasi, is the Jpegmini software adware and spyware free? Do you currently have it installed?

    • Hi Brian, it’s really a great pleasure having you here today, I hardly install software like this on my pc since the other ones are available all for free.

      I already have Adobe Photoshop and fireworks installed and so can easily optimize jpeg files my worries has always been the png files.

      This is the reason I can’t stop praising the guys at ‘cos their tool has been my best ever looseless image compression app .
      But I can assure you that their app is save for use on pc

    • Thanks for your awesome addiction berty, I have always gone with and so can easily recommend it to any other person.
      Hoping to get more of your feedbacks

  9. Amazing work obasi.

    After reading your article i have come to know some of the most needed tools i was looking for the reason is whenever i need to put or set an image on any website after my profile or any Bid i always had to go through lot of difficulties due to the image not in right size or pixels.These online tools can be very practical in sometimes.Many Thanks.

    • Thanks for finding this tools very useful dhawal, we always try to provide our readers with only useful and helpful tips. hope you do have a wonderful weekend

  10. Ibrahim Abdullahi Ibrahim Abdullahi

    Before i use a software that reduces the image quality. Thank for sharing this tools, they are worth checking.

    • Thanks for dropping by Ibrahim, your feedback was so helpful, just waiting for more of your valuable feedback buddy. Do have a great week

  11. Theodore Nwangene Theodore Nwangene

    An awesome collection of tools Miracle,
    Its really important to be compressing our images in order to reduce the size so that it will not slow down the loading speed of our site.

    I’m sure a lot of people will find those tools handy. Thanks for sharing and, have a great week

    • Thanks for checking in here Theodore, I am also excited that you are agreeing with me on these tools, they can be really handy to a lot of persons too.

      Do have a great day

  12. Thanks Obasi,this greatly reduced my site load times :)

  13. Amazingly … I was just looking for this kind of article and here it is … the universe is fulfilling all my desires

    • Thanks for finding our little list very useful, just hope they help you to run a blog that will produce best user experience and good speed as well

  14. Wish I had knew this earlier. LOL! Thanks for this information, it will really help with my images on my blogs.

  15. Thanks for sharing these tools bro !
    All these services are new for me and am gonna try as i always use PNG images on my blog ..This service will help me optimize PNG images .


    • Thanks for dropping by Pramod, has been extremely awesome, their compression method and technology has been the best so far judging from my very end.

      I even optimized my bg image of about 1mb to just under 10kb using their free services, tools like this doesn’t come by easily.

      I just hope you find it very useful at the end bro

  16. Bookmakered! I know we use image optimizer.. but i didn’t know of the others.. will need to investigate further!

  17. great advice on how to reduce image size quickly – thanks Obasi!

  18. My boss again, i have been looking for what to do because wheneva i compress an image , the quality reduces but boss with this post,my images are sure going to have a good quality. tnx boss for sharing

    • Thanks for dropping by Olili, these tools are really great for losslessly optimizing various image formats and works awesomely for blog post, email attachments, mobile uploads and even for sharing them with your friend’s on facebook.

      Your host and blog readers will even commend you for optimizing those large images


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