Home Electronic & Appliances Sunpower X Series Solar Panels Intro: A Solid Renewable Energy Source

Sunpower X Series Solar Panels Intro: A Solid Renewable Energy Source

sunpower x series solar systemMy first encounter with SunPower X series solar panel is at a friend’s apartment somewhere in Rivers State. I was somehow involved in the installation and so far, the panels are serving well till date.

SunPower is a leading manufacturer of solar panels and industry standard renewable energy systems. Their product line ranges from single solar panels to industry level solar systems.

They’re expert producers of powerful solar systems and can install same for cars, drones, home and offices. SunPower is headquartered in Silicon Valley (California), U.S. But have their products in most continents, including Asia and Africa.

Today’s publication is about Sunpower X series, which is one of their leading products, besides the P & E-series solar panels.

Sunpower X Series Solar Panels Intro

Sunpower X Series Solar Panels as said earlier — is one of their leading solar panels. There is the E-series, P-series and X-series solar panels from Sunpower Corporation.

Before digging deep into the features of Sunpower X series solar panels, I’ll like to briefly discuss the advantages of solar panels and/or renewable energy in its broad term.

Advantages of Solar Power

sunpower X solar panelsOne of the things that prompted us to make this intro content on Sunpower X series solar panel is our recent review of Lutian gasoline generator.

We thought it a wise act — discussing about the many advantages of solar power systems over gasoline generators.

Even though we’re going to be very brief with this section, the points listed are the main advantages of solar electricity over fossil fuel generated ones.

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  • Less Environmental Concerns: Global warming and environmental degradation is easily fueled by fossil-fuel-generated power sources. Unlike renewable energy sources (such as solar power) that causes no environmental harm, gasoline generators does. Besides the environmental degradation issues, gasoline generators are noisy, unlike their solar counterpart. Your neighbors will worry less with a solar power generating system and you can use same in odd hours without noise concerns.
  • Maximum Savings in the Long Run: There’s always the issue of leaking pocket with gasoline generators. This is because you’re required to top-up with gas liquid, each time it’s low on gas. But solar power generating system is a one-off investment that would end up serving you for years without extra spending.
  • Can be Used Indoor: carbon monoxide emission is a big issue with gasoline generators. This is because — it can kill within a few minutes if used indoor. But this is no issue with solar power systems as they normally get their energy from the sun during daytime and from batteries during nighttime.
  • Doesn’t Need Frequent Maintenance/Upgrades: Once the installed capacity is enough, there’s no need of maintenance and/or upgrades on the installed system. Wear and tear is almost non-existent with solar power generating systems.

Sunpower X Series Solar Panel Features

Sunpower X series solar panel features

  • Gives most energy from less space possible.
  • Sunpower X series solar panels are highly flexible.
  • Gives more electricity than conventional solar panels.
  • Comes with beautiful designs.
  • Comes with premium aesthetics, delivers greatest performance with more than 21% efficiency.

Where to buy: While there are lots of solar-powered products in the market, it is always advisable to source for OEM products via official sources.

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Large organization can place their orders via sunpower.com, while others can source for it locally or through any of the recognized distributors.

In Conclusion:

So far, we are satisfied with the unit that prompted this intro content and can recommend their products easily. In this age where most basic home appliances are equipped with solar charging function, it would be a good thing to embrace solar power generating systems. They’re mostly noiseless, durable and gives the greatest comfort.

Have you used Sunpower X Series solar panel or any of their solar products in the past? Please do share your experiences with us in the comments section below.


    • You can get a direct quotation for your configuration from their official website (referenced above) or use one of their closest partner’s outlets.


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