7 Places to Get Crazy Deals on Black Friday/November Shopping Events

Jumia Black Friday and Konga Yakata deals on-sales are one of the best when it comes to crazy coupon codes and best discounts during November holiday shopping promotions.

Yudala Offline black Friday sales were a big shocker to many Nigerian online shoppers that never expected the crazy black Friday deals to be taken offline.

Konga Yakata 2016 Black Friday Sales

This year’s November shopping events are poised to be very huge as many-a top online shopping malls are participating actively. In lieu of our Nigerian audience, 3ptechies is presenting a formidable list of the top 7 Best sources to grab crazy deals in this year’s 11.11 shopping festival, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and other huge holiday shopping bonanza.

  Aliexpress 11.11 Online Shopping Festival

11/11 is usually a remarkable day across all markets and businesses owned by Alibaba group. It is a single day of huge discounts, unbeatable coupon codes, and crazy deals all-round.

It doesn’t really matter if you are a small-scale retailer, a wholesaler, an importer  or just a final consumer; all you need do is visit Aliexpress (or alibaba) homepage on 11th November 2017 to grab huge discounts on flash sales and major coupon codes.

There are usually flash sales rush-hour,  store-specific coupon codes, products-specific coupon codes, and category-specific coupon codes during their 11.11 shopping festival sales.

aliexpress 11.11 shopping festival 2016

The best way to maximize savings on Aliexpress 11.11 shopping day is to keep a list of desired products and brands to focus on when the festival arrives.

You can keep a tab on their homepage here or bookmark their 11.11 sales page for a better deals alert.

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GearBest Bonanza Sales

GearBest holiday shopping promo is patterned the same way as that of Aliexpress and other Chinese shopping malls. They ship most products free to Nigeria and allows either credit card, Paypal, or direct payment methods.

The product I got from them in the past is genuine and came at a good time too. You can grab huge discounts during their flash sales as well as save big with their coupon codes.

A lot has been written about gearbest 11.11 shopping events, coupon codes and their “get it for free” program. You can read all of it from here.

Konga Yakata (Price-Slash) Event

This year’s Konga yakata promo sales came earlier than that of last year and promises to offer something very much better than it. It will kick-off in the early hours of Friday 18th November and would run through Monday 21st.

There’s going to be huge discounts on selected products as well as random discounts on multiple categories. All you need do is keep a close watch on their homepage or visit the Yakata sales page for huge discounts.

Jumia Black Friday Sales

Jumia Nigeria in partnership with MTN, Binatone, Innjoo, Intel, HP, Etihad Airways, Mansard Insurance, Polystar, and other top brands is launching a mega-discount galore for their 2017 black Friday sales event.

From frequent flash sales, mega deals and crazy discounts to faster delivery and after-sales support: Jumia Nigeria has promised a black Friday shopping event that’s going to dwarf all others.

Jumia Black Friday deals 2016 in Nigeria Emalls

They have partnered with your most-loved brands to offer more than a 50% OFF discount on electronics, mobile gadgets, clothing, cosmetics, and kitchen utensils.

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All you need do is follow after the black Friday shopping event schedule as listed in their official webpage.

Yudala Mid-Day Sales Madness

Yudala broke the Offline black Friday sales jinx last year and has come up with another decent program for your November 2017 holiday shopping pleasure.

The event is tagged mid-day madness sales and is scheduled for 14th-18th November 2017. 12.00 PM to 3.00 PM Everyday (within the chosen date) will be greeted with huge discounts on sales and really insane deals.

You can shop for your favorite goods and make great savings with Yudala Black Friday shopping deals.

Slot Nigeria Black Friday Deals

Slot Nigeria is the first popular Nigerian eShopping mall to come up with innovative schemes such as trade-in that lets you trade your old devices for brand new ones and payments by installment that lets you pay in part for expensive phones or gadgets.

Their Black Friday sales event for this year is poised to save you a huge sum and is scheduled for November 25th. There’s going to be great deals and discounts spread across selected products from various categories.

All you need do is visit their homepage on November 25th to enjoy a great discount on your favorite brands.

Crazy Cyber Deals Websites for Internet Tools and Apps

November is usually a month to change host, switch plugins, and SEO-tools for bloggers, netpreneurs, and internet marketers.

To get the best deals; you’ll need to pay apt attention to promo ads on their websites, social media pages, and public forums.

24 Hrs to the 11.11 Global Shopping Festival: Big Discount Announced By Stores

Eg. to move to a superior web hosting company at a cut-price deal, you will need to decide on which to go for from our list of top 5 best hosting companies, and then visit their website and fan pages to get updates on flash sales or crazy deals on their November shopping events.

cyber Monday hosting deals for Nigerians

You will need to follow after the template above for deals on CMS themes, plugins, SEO tools, and web applications. Note that the cheapest sale is usually done on black Friday (25th November) and/or cyber Monday (28th November).

What More?

This is all you need to know about getting things for cheap during the November shopping events. Note that a Dollar domiciliary account CC or Payoneer master card (see why you need one in our present Economy) is the preferred option for shopping on foreign websites.

Amazon is a great option but wasn’t included in this post because most of their sellers are yet to ship directly to Nigeria. But you can opt for it or Ebay if you’ve got an US address to ship your items to.

In Conclusion

Shopping on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and 11.11 shopping festival event is fun and can save you some bucks for Christmas spending.

Use our tips to get only the best deals in Nigeria eShopping malls. Share some other holiday shopping tips you know with our readers by dropping your comments below.

Thanks for reading to this point….. Happy shopping.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


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